Geneva Business School
Location: Rue de, La Voie-Creuse 16, 1202 Genève, Switzerland
Price: from 3900.00 € / term
Languages: English, French
Age: 17 yeas old and over
Geneva Business School is one of the most prestigious private universities in Switzerland. In the school, opened in 2001, 150 students study. The share of foreign students reaches 90%.

Geneva Business School provides Swiss-quality business education in Geneva, Barcelona, and Madrid. The school offers bachelor’s, master’s, MBA, International Executive MBA, and DBA programs that are 100% in English, and offers innovative learning methods and new state-of-the-art campuses. Students can study specializations in the fields of International Management, Entrepreneurship, International Finance, Sports Management, Digital Marketing, and International Relations.

Students enjoy personalized mentoring, unique networking events, and support and guidance for internships and business ventures. A practical education in the classroom, combined with exposure to the real world of business means Geneva Business School students graduate job-ready.

Faculty members all work actively in their sectors and offer their insights into current business trends as well as access to their own global networks. They organize business challenges, from creating companies and writing business plans to market research and much more.

This commitment to quality teaching and their interactive campuses provide a 360º learning experience to fully prepare students for the modern workplace.

The institution is professionally accredited by IACBE, AASBI, CHEA and is certified by EduQua.

Geneva Business School provides Swiss-quality business education. The school offers bachelor’s, master’s, MBA, and diverse continued education options that are 100% in English, and offers innovative learning methods and new technologies.
Students enjoy personalized mentoring, unique networking events, and support and guidance for internships and business ventures. A practical education in the classroom, combined with exposure to the real world of business means Geneva Business School students graduate job-ready.

Faculty members all work actively in their sectors and offer their insights into current business trends as well as access to their own global networks. They organize business challenges, from creating companies and writing business plans to market research and much more.

This commitment to quality teaching and our interactive campuses provide a 360º learning experience to fully prepare students for the modern workplace.

The educational institution accredited by the international profile organizations ECBE, IACBE, offers its students a large number of programs in several fields. Geneva Business School provides Bachelor's, MBA’s, Master's as well as Dcotorate’s (DBA) programs.

The school offers bachelor’s, master’s, MBA, International Executive MBA, and DBA
Accommodation, meals

As a rule, Geneva Business School provides all the necessary assistance to its students in terms of accommodation, making available at least 3 options: student residence, host family, and/or apartments for rent in the private sector of the city. Students must ensure that they submit a request to the university in this regard as soon as they have the confirmation of admission to study in order to succeed in finding a home according to their preferences.

If you like French food with the occasional taste for Thai, Italian or a good burger and fries, you will love eating in Geneva. Eating out in the international hub of Switzerland is reflected in the wide variety of cuisine you can sample in its restaurants. If you want to try something quintessentially Swiss, Fondue is a popular Swiss dish foodies can't get enough of when in Switzerland. The distinctive assortment and variety of cheeses you can get in Switzerland means that the fondue can be a different experience in every restaurant. There are close to 475 unique types of cheese that come from the Swiss region.

If you order Fondue at a Swiss restaurant, you will receive a heavy pot of melted cheese kept on a heated stand. Most Swiss fondues are made with Gruyère and other types of cheese such as Emmental and creamy Vacherin Fribourgeois. It's mostly eaten with bread or potatoes. Swiss fondue is undeniably the public dish of Switzerland and is surely something that cheese lovers will worship.

activity Geneva Business School

Events at Geneva Business School Geneva

Geneva Business School, Geneva Campus is located in the heart of the International District, the worldwide headquarters of diplomacy, and home of the Palace of Nations and the World Trade Organization.

This enviable location in Geneva offers students the incredible possibility to network and gain internships in the city’s top financial and international institutions, maintaining close proximity to the campus.
With three official languages and a population made up of over 190 nationalities, Geneva is a premier cosmopolitan hub spot for business, international relations, and tourism.

Daily Routine:

Geneva Business School students typically have classes on campus in the morning from 08:00. For lunch, students will often bring in food to eat in the School’s canteen, or go out to one of the plethora of restaurants all within five minutes walking of the campus. They will then return to the classroom, study privately, or do group work. After classes, there are often events created by the School, or just in the city, where students can go to share ideas, network, and just have fun.

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